WissKI and FAUWissKICloud
WissKI is a virtual research environment that enables scientific, location-independent and collaborative work with linked data. On the basis of an ontology, the research data are semantically enriched and stored in the form of triplets in a coherent data network (graph database).
For the field of cultural heritage, the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model is an ISO standard onthology available as Erlangen CRM in OWL. In this way, research data with various content-related references can be systematically described and recorded in a data model designed for the project and remain comparable to other data pools based on CIDOC CRM. Standard data (GND, Getty AAT, etc.) can be integrated through connectors and DOIs can be assigned for the data sets.
Based on the content management system Drupal, WissKI offers a website and rights management that can be used as a collaborative workspace and open research environment.
Technical standards such as the use of RDF and OWL ensure data interoperability.
The purpose of FAUWissKICloud is to host and maintain the FAU WissKI instances. The CDI manages the software and RRZE is responsible for maintaining the hardware. WissKIs are maintained and updated using the WissKI Distillery.
By mapping specific and complex contexts using semantic web technologies, WissKI open source software including managed server space on FAUWissKICloud is particularly attractive for humanities projects. The CDI provides support in the form of advice and service in the application phase; in creating the data model; in installing, setting up and operating the WissKI instance; in hosting the system and in long-term archiving.